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joel kaye

Currently (December 2017) looking forward to a staging in Oxford, March 2018 of full-length 'The Fortunate Boy' - a farcical drama about a boy abandoned at birth and raised as a rich man’s protégé, with songs. I mainly write for stage, with nearly twenty ten-minute pieces produced, most recently, 'Hey!' (Oxford Playwrights November 2017), 'Make it your own' (Cherwell Theatre Co, Banbury 2017) and 'She Said She Wouldn’t' (24 hour Scratch OTM/ OffBeat 2016). Other short pieces include 'In the Bar of the Half Moon' (finalist Sussex Playwrights/New Venture Theatre competition 2012; Telstars, Cardiff 2013), published in 'Twelve Short Plays' – Oxford Playwrights.


Longer plays include 'Elias Ashmole versus the Widow' (2013, staged reading) - about the origins of the Ashmolean, and two collaboratively-written local history dramas for Oxford Theatre Guild (2007) and Abingdon Drama Club (2009) My experience as a lecturer in Further Education inspired the full-length farce 'Answer the Phone, Maxwell' ( Cropredy Players 1995).


I graduated BA from Manchester University, before working in Further Education and then achieved MA Ed from Reading University.


My earliest accepted script was 'Haste' for BBC Radio 4 in 1980. Other paid pieces included a series of short stories on Radio Oxford, and short stories published by The Oxford Mail and Sunday People have published my comic verse. I also wrote and shot training films for local caring organisations, including NHS and a district council.

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