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Sparky Buddy Productions

Created in 2010 by David Pustansky, Sparky Buddy Productions have created many film, Theatre and audio projects.

Sparky Buddy Productions have created works all around the world including all across the U.K, and internationally in the United States, Japan, and many parts of Europe such as France, Denmark, Germany and Portugal.

We run the comedy group Extreme Improv which has performed at venues/festivals across the country and abroad, and also has a weekly Podcast available on iTunes and other platforms.

We have created many film projects including the short films The Battle Of Aylesbury, Scratch, and Last Man Standing and the documentary series Jet Lagged and Loving It.

We’ve also produced many plays such as the tour of Presto and Clown, and the site specific plays the Vale Of Secrets and The Rose Thief.

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